Porn hosting, mature content hosting or generally, adult content hosting is what many traditional web hosting companies today shy away from, like kids.
This is however understandable: the challenges of hosting adult content on servers – especially, vis-à-vis mainstream, traditional content is huge, making many hosting companies who would have been otherwise more adventurous and open-minded shy off and look the other way.
The irony, however, is that we ALL love and consume adult content (firearms, gambling and of course, sex). This is true whether the fact is admitted or hidden deep into the recesses of our skulls.
This is also a fact, backed up by impressive stats.
According to the Huff Post, for instance, porn alone gets more internet traffic than Amazon, Netflix and Twitter combined!
That’s about 450 million hits versus 316 million for Amazon, Netflix and Twitter!! That’s about 30% of the entire internet traffic!
Now, adult content isn’t all about sex and this data is valid for porn only.
When other adult-oriented content and sites dealing with firearms, tobacco, alcohol, gambling and any other content type deemed fit for the exclusive consumption of adults who have attained the age of either 18 or 21 (depending on the jurisdiction) are figured and analyzed, this little figure should be around 50% of all web traffic today.
Let’s repeat that again: about 50% of all traffic online leads to mature content!
It is with this realization that the team set forth today to share with you the best hosting for mature content of 2023.
If you are in a hurry, however, here is a smart summary of the very best adult website hosting of 2023:
Please, note that the links above will take you straight to the homepage of the adult-friendly hosting provider in question so that you can take a look yourself, firsthand.
Now that you have the brief summary (and can take a look if you like), let’s look at some preliminary issues before we proceed to the meat of this article proper.
Table of Contents
What Is Porn Hosting (Or Adult Website Hosting)?
Adult hosting refers to the hosting of a site that has mature content on it. This could be pornography, a community dedicated to sex and all things sex-related, a fetish community, a site dealing with tobacco, and firearms or in general, any content that is not deemed right for an audience less than 18 or 21 years (depending on jurisdiction).
Such website hosting, usually, is not offered by the more conventional hosting companies like A2 Hosting and SiteGround.
For some of the more daring conventional hosting companies that venture into this unique type of hosting, the rules are plenty and actually observing them is mandatory.
It is for this reason that special hosting companies that cater specifically for mature content sprang up and today, exist.
It is also for the same reason that we’re reviewing the very best options today so that you can, with absolute ease, choose what best suits you.
How Is Adult Content Hosting Different?
By the very nature of mature content, it is heavy – and often, requires a ton of bandwidth, especially pornography and its related sites.
By virtue of this alone, such sites are resource-intensive and seriously tax the servers of hosting companies focusing on conventional hosting, especially with budget plans such as shared hosting plans.
This is especially true for users who intend to (or actually) upload their own content directly.
Besides the fact that this type of hosting is usually ‘weight’ intensive, many sites do not want to share IP addresses with other websites, designated as ‘adult’.
Unfortunately, the practice of sharing IP addresses amongst sites hosted on a server is pretty standard today, especially on lower-end plans.
Essentially thus, mature content hosting is pretty different from traditional hosting because it does 3 things differently:
- Accepts sites that are designated as ‘adult’.
- Has the ability (and will) to handle content-heavy sites (often, with heavy traffic) even at lower-end plans.
- Does not need to bother with the challenge of sharing IP addresses amongst sites hosted on the same server as all the sites hosted are of the same adult category or different IPs are allotted to every account to protect the reputation of each site hosted.
Now, let’s take a quick look at the types of websites that actually are in need of an adult-friendly hosting arrangement.
Types of Websites That Require Adult-Friendly Hosting
The websites listed below all fall under the category of those in need of adult-friendly hosting.
If your niche is mentioned below (or you plan on venturing into any of the niches mentioned below), you now know what to do :)
- Pornography – in all its variants and shades.
- Escort services.
- A fetish community.
- Sex toys sites.
- Online forums and chat rooms that discuss sex exclusively.
- A site focusing on sex stories, both real and fictitious.
- Websites dealing with firearms – both their discussion or sale.
- Sites in the tobacco niche.
- Websites that are focused on gambling or betting.
- Any website (in whatsoever niche) that requires users to be over either 18 or 21 years (depending on the jurisdiction) to access.
The 3 Most Reliable Adult Website Hosting (Porn Hosting Inclusive) of 2024 Ranked
Let’s now share the detailed review of the best mature content hosting 2023 affords.
Please, kindly note that the hosting companies mentioned here have made the list not just by virtue of the fair prices they command or the options that are available when you decide to go with them; but also by the reputation these hosting companies have and the quality of service that they offer – year in, year out.
1. Vice Temple
The best services in the world are rendered by professionals who focus on a single business model and have considerably niched down things to serve a particular audience base.
This type of setup ensures such a service provider perfectly understands what the demands of serving such a niche are and importantly, the challenges that come with such a service.
This is where Vice Temple Hosting excels in the business of adult hosting; this is why it is the very best hosting for your mature content money can buy today.
Setup in an offshore location, Vice Temple caters exclusively for websites, blogs, forums or anything online dealing exclusively with content that is tagged suitable for adults.
This naturally means that the company offers a dedicated IP address for every account (from its shared hosting plans) right up to dedicated offers.
The most interesting thing however is that, besides offering a dedicated IP for every account and being exclusively of service only to the adult community, Vice Temple makes certain that even the very least of its service plans comes with the ability to handle unlimited traffic and the capacity to host files and videos to a serious tune.
In the world of adult hosting, things don’t get better than this!
Special Features of Vice Temple
- Exclusive focus on adult websites, especially, porn. This gives the company an undue advantage over all others.
- 24/7 customer support – should you ever need help with anything.
- A free SSL certificate for every account. This today, is necessary for every website.
- A dedicated IP address for each account.
- Capacity to handle an instant surge in traffic…unlimited traffic, that is.
- Huge disk space – even for the very basic of plans.
- Ability to host addons and subdomains under the primary one – across plans, even the very basic.
- c-Panel and one-click CMS installation options.
- Auto back-up of both your files and database – just in case something happens and you need to revert.
- 99.99% uptime guarantee – or a full refund of your money.
- Full data privacy and importantly, a 45-day money-back period – just in case you do not like the name of any of the support staff :)
Why Vice Temple Made This List (At No. 1)
Adult website hosting is something many hosting companies shy away from today. Vice Temple, on the other hand, does the exact opposite: it handles websites dealing with mature (or adult content) exclusively.
However, it is the manner, prestige, dignity, and professionalism this company exudes that makes it the go-to choice for mature content hosting any day or time.
This is exemplified by, for instance, ignoring all copyright claims you might receive. While this might not be necessary, we all know that there are folks out there who make a living as copyright trolls and a slight mistake on your part ultimately means a payday for them!
This is something you would NEVER want. Sadly, this is very common in the world of adult content today.
To wrap up, it is important to re-mention the fact that Vice Temple takes the well-being of your site seriously and even offers both a 45-day money-back guarantee and a full refund (not prorated) in the event that service time ever falls below their set standard: 99.99%.
These are things you don’t see every day in the hosting world; these are things that, however, distinguish Vice Temple to a point worthy of both our time and respect (and soon, yours).
Check out Vice Temple Hosting directly to see what we mean.
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2. TMD Hosting
The best hosting companies today are not exactly new; they have been in the business of website hosting for many, many years with some options spanning well over 2 decades.
These hosting companies, generally, also host a plethora of websites, across boards, platforms, and CMSs.
This vast experience sees to it that nothing is new to these companies and importantly, challenges emanating from hosting are handled brilliantly. After all, great chances are that such challenge(s) will not be completely novel – having been faced by customers before you and hitherto handled brilliantly.
Many webmasters today love this old-school assurance and it doesn’t matter what they are hosting…these hosting companies are still the preferred hosts of choice.
The sad bit is that most of these old (trusty) hosting companies relying on decades of experience (such webmasters trust) do not host ANY adult content or are generally very conservative about it.
This is where it gets tricky and leaves many webmasters (or would-be webmasters) of adult content disappointed or sweating.
Fortunately, this is also the spot where TMD Hosting comes to the rescue.
Special Features of TMD Hosting
- 24/7/365 support. Who knows when you’ll need help?
- The easiest drag-and-drop site builder we’ve tested yet. If you’re a DIY person, nothing beats this.
- Data centers across 4 continents and several cities. This gets your content closer to your visitors and handles latency issues brilliantly.
- Daily backups across all account types.
- Super reasonable pricing that sees to it that you get adult hosting service even if you’re on a budget.
- Unlimited email accounts to help you look both professional and versatile at the same time.
- Reseller plans (to make money by the side if this pleases you).
- Hosting plans for everyone – irrespective of budget, website size, or traffic.
- Importantly, 10+ years experience, hosting adult-inclined sites.
Why TMD Hosting Made This List
The major attraction of TMD Hosting bothers on practicality:
- The company has been in the business of hosting adult sites for over 10 years now and has been doing super awesome.
- It has plans that are easy on the wallet and importantly, plans that cater to every site type.
- The company operates like a ‘regular’ hosting company in every respect – save for the admission of sites that ‘regular’ hosting companies would otherwise reject (on account of adult content inclusion).
This simple reality has made hosting customers supremely comfortable with the company – especially the bit that it reminds them of the likes of A2 hosting and SiteGround.
Of course, the fact that the company’s servers are fast (thanks to data centers spread across the world) and support is fast plus equally responsive is another reason that clients (like you) sign up year after year.
The best part is yet to be spilled though: the company has an awesome 2 months, risk-free trial period, a window within which, if you choose to cancel, you get a full refund.
Is this not enough reason to try TMD Hosting for your next adult project, especially since it will be completely risk-free for you?
3. HostGator
When many webmasters think of hosting today, what actually comes to their mind is HostGator Hosting.
Online since October 22, 2002, HostGator has been hosting sites for quite a long time to know what they are doing.
As the company loves to state, they simply eat the competition, all thanks to the giant gator that has been its business symbol for a long time now :)
However, the fact of being one of the oldest hosting companies in the world today lends no credence whatsoever, if not matched with actual service that winds up serving the prospective customer; you.
This is where things get interesting – and it is this interesting part that has been keeping customers on for the last decades and importantly, assisting the company in simply swallowing up the competition!
As was mentioned a while ago about HostWinds, HostGator is also pretty awesome about the business of keeping things simple, and straightforward but importantly, functional.
This is the catch: and this catch is perfect for hosting a site anywhere in the world in so far as it does not implicate child pornography, is legal in the state of Texas, and importantly, your content breaks no American laws :)
Special Features of HostGator
- A simple, yet effective focus on practicality and ease of use. This is truly where this company brilliantly distinguishes itself from other hosting companies in the adult niche.
- Free domain name for the first year – saving you the cost of getting one yourself, directly.
- Free SSL certificates for every account. This inspires trust, protects users information, and importantly, aids ranking.
- An impressive 45-day FULL money-back guarantee – just in case you don’t like what you see on the inside.
- A toll-free support line (for US customers), in addition to other support channels, all year round; all day round.
- A plethora of CMSs to get started. The favorite, of course, remains WordPress.
- A dedicated team that handles transfers easily – and free – if you’re coming from another hosting company.
Why HostGator Made This List
Many webmasters hosting adult sites today would, ordinarily, love to deploy an ‘everyday’ hosting company or, if they can, would appreciate hosting their adult sites with their regular sites, right under one (hosting) account.
This reality makes things easy to manage and importantly, keeps hosting costs down.
Unfortunately, as things stand, this is an impossibility, at least, at the moment (with many hosting companies).
This is where HostGator comes in: it is quite simply, the most well-known and most respected of the regular hosting companies that permit adult content on its servers side by side with more mainstream entries.
If you’re already hosting with the company – or would love to host other non-adult content on the same account – this is certainly a plus.
Either way, you should check out HostGator Hosting directly yourself and ultimately, decide.
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What Is the Best Hosting Plan for Your Site?
- If you’re looking for the very best adult content hosting money can buy at the moment and nothing less will fly, no questions asked, signup with Vice Temple Hosting. In the world of mature content hosting, no one beats them.
- If you’re a DIY sort of person and would appreciate designing your site directly yourself, kindly consider TMD Hosting. The drag-and-drop website builder the company deploys is one of the easiest we’ve tested yet.
- Finally, if you’re on a tight budget, your best bet when it comes to hosting mature content in 2023 remains HostGator Hosting.
Special Note:
We’ve painstakingly tested all the three hosting companies mentioned above so that you don’t need to waste precious time going into testing mode again.
What we’ve found out during this time is that, the support of all three hosting companies is reasonable and well above average; the speed and security of all three options is also stellar – and well beyond reproach.
Essentially thus, picking the best option from amongst this list should only be a matter of factors such as budget or actual, personal preference due to underlying reasons, peculiar to either you, the webmaster or your site.
We wish you the very best – irrespective of the hosting option you choose to power your new online concern.
Wrap Up
Getting a great hosting company is tough work – thanks to all the false claims out in the wild today.
However, getting an awesome hosting company that accepts adult content – either exclusively or with mainstream sites – is a notch harder.
Trust us, we’ve been there and our wrinkled foreheads is testimony.
However, we’ve invested months, testing various hosting companies and the after about 8 months, the result is what you see in this post – with the very best, our number 1 being: Vice Temple Hosting.
Outside these three options, there are really no other (great) options again – as far as hosting adult websites is concerned.
Sorry, we’re not supposed to say that…you be the judge.
Anyway, the judgment goes, we’ll now sleep content, knowing that your new (or already existing) adult project has a home online and that home also doubles as practical and befitting.